Evaluation of the German Center for Lung Research with excellent outcome

A review board consisting of 14 international experts evaluated the DZL in October. The written report has been submitted now. It states an excellent development of the center.
The reviewers praise the DZL for the results of the first funding period (2011-15). Particularly the well-characterized patient registries – in combination with a strong bio- and image data bank – provide an outstanding structure for further development. The formation of networks on diseases and consequentially the exchange of techniques and methods were acknowledged explicitly by the board. Prof. Dr. Klaus Rabe, director of ARCN, was excited about getting the review’s results: “When you are finally holding the very positive report in your hands, you are very glad.”
The reviewers gave also some recommendations for further improvement of the center. The DZL Board of Directors will analyze which of them are eligible for implementation. Some of the recommendations have already been discussed on DZL’s Annual Meeting (February 1/2) in Hannover.
The DZL will be funded from 2016-20 with 25 million Euros per year (90% by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, 10% by the Federal States (‘Länder’).
Prior to the evaluation, DZL scientists developed a research program for the next five years. As before, DZL focusses on its eight disease areas as well as the platforms biobanking and imaging. Recent trends in pulmonary research were included, and three central ‘flagship projects’ were defined for each disease area. A part of the projects from the first funding period will be continued, especially the aforementioned patient registries which are expected to generate fascinating results in DZL 2.0.
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