Leadership and administration
The Managing Board of Directors constitutes the leadersphip of ARCN. All four partners are represented in the Board.

(Director ARCN, represents Grosshansdorf)

(Deputy Director ARCN, represents Kiel)
(Deputy Director ARCN, represents Borstel)
(Deputy Director ARCN, represents Lübeck)
The Managing Board is supported by the ARCN Office in terms of adiministration. Dr. Jörn Bullwinkel (DZL Manager, ARCN) and Katharina Stahl (DZL Project Manager, ARCN) function as link between DZL Board of Directors and scientists of the ARCN. They are also contact persons for finances.
The ARCN Office is responsible for internal and external communication as well as organisation of events. They are in constant contact with the Central Office of DZL in Gießen in conjunction with the Offices of the other four DZL sites in order to harmonize procedures.
Upcoming events
78th Meeting of ARCN
79th Meeting of ARCN