Karoline Gaede re-elected to Managing Board of TMF
The (virtual) General Meeting of the TMF confirms eight members of the Managing Board – among them DZL scientist PD Dr. Karoline I. Gaede. New Board member is Prof. Rita Schmutzler (University Clinic Cologne).
The members elected a new Board of the TMF (Technologie- und Methoden-Plattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V.) on a rotational basis. The publicly funded TMF is the umbrella organisation for medical research associations in Germany. Members convene in working groups in order to find solutions for characteristic duties and challenges in research consortia. This encompasses fields such as biobanking, quality management or science communication. The TMF makes collectively developed solutions available to the general public. Moreover, TMF coordinates the German Medizininformatik-Initiative (MII) in collaboration with two university associations.
The German Center for Lung Research has been TMF member since 2012. Karoline Gaede (Research Center Borstel) heads the BioMaterialBank Nord of ARCN and the DZL Platform Biobanking and Data management. She is part of the TMF Working Group on Biobanking. Karoline Gaede is pleased about her (repeated) re-election to the TMF Board by the members: “TMF’s work has convinced me since 2007. It enables the dialogue between experts from different disciplines and institutions and thereby helps avoiding doing things twice. TMF is sustained by work and commitment >by researchers for researchers<.” For this reason, one of Gaede’s main concerns is the dialogue with and between members.
Further information on TMF website
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