
Klaus Rabe is new President of German Respiratory Society

Prof. Dr. Klaus Rabe is new DGP President

On the occasion of the 58th Annual Congress of the German Respiratory Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin, DGP) Prof. Dr. Klaus Rabe became President of the Society. He succeeds Prof. Dr. Berthold Jany from Würzburg, who has been in charge for the last two years. Rabe is Medical Director of LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Director of the DZL Site ARCN and therefore Member of the DZL Board of Directors. In 2011-12, he was President of the European Respiratory Society (ERS).

For more than 100 years, DGP aims at improving prevention and treatment of pulmonary diseases. Therefore, physicians and scientists work collaboratively in 15 specialized sections. The number of DGP members is about 4000.

The focus on widespread lung diseases is a mutual interest of DGP and DZL. In addition to that, the DGP presidency of Klaus Rabe creates another strong link between Respiratory Society and Health Center.



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