Many visitors at Patient’s Forum on COPD at LungenClinic Grosshansdorf

More than 150 participants followed the invitation to the 11th Patient's Forum Lung. Foto: U. Koller, Lung Information Service
The LungenClinic Grosshansdorf and the Lung Information Service of the Helmholtz Center Munich hosted their first Patient’s Forum together at the DZL site ARCN. Theme of the event was „COPD – Living with a chronic disease“. Dr. Henrik Watz, Dr. Benjamin Waschki and Prof. Dr. Klaus Rabe, physicians at LungenClinic, lectured on causes, treatment and new directions in research. Finally, Michaela Francke, Head of the Unit for Physiotherapy in Großhansdorf, presented useful tips and exercised breathing techniques with the participants. After each lecture and in the coffee break, all attendees got the opportunity to ask their questions. Moreover, Lung Information Service as well as the Patient’s Organization Lung Emphysema-COPD provided information at their desks.
The event was well attended by patients, relatives and other interested people. It was already booked up in advance. More than 150 guests attended this – over all – 11th Patient’s Forum – a new record. As the need for information on lung diseases is obviously high, more Patient’s Forums should take place in Großhansdorf in the future.
Lung Information Service and DZL are collaborating closely in order to provide patients with up-to-date answers to their questions. Besides with Patient’s Forums this is done by printed information as fact sheets on lung diseases and via the homepage of the Lung Information Service (in German).
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