Great interest in expert Q&A session on lung diseases
200 patients took the chance to ask lung physicians questions on diagnosis, therapy and research on lung diseases at the Patient’s Forum at LungenClinic Grosshansdorf.
Almost every chair of the lecture hall of LungenClinic Grosshansdorf was occupied last Friday afternoon. 200 patients and their relatives followed the invitation of LungenClinic, Lung Information Service and German Center for Lung Research (DZL) to join the Q&A session “Living with lung disease”. They used the opportunity to ask personal questions on diagnosis, therapies and ongoing clinical trials. Expert panelists of LungenClinic were Prof. Dr. Klaus Rabe, who presented the state of knowledge on asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Dr. Marlitt Horn, who answered question on lung cancer and Dr. Heike Biller, who gave advice on DZL’s clinical trials. Michaela Francke, head of the division for physical therapy at LungenClinic practiced lung gymnastics with the participants ans underlined the benefit for life quality. Dr. Daniel Drömann, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein at Lübeck, answered questions on infectious diseases of the lung and preventive vaccinations. Before and after the Q&A session, patient’s organisations gave information on asbestosis, sarcoidosis and emphysema/COPD at their booths.
The high number of visitors indicated that there is a valid need for reliable health information which isn’t provided by the health care system at present. The obligation to spread information is underpinned by Klaus Rabe, Medical director of LungenClinic and director of DZL site ARCN: “I’m highly convinced that we have to explain our research – especially to the patients, because our work in DZL is dedicated to them.” Another central building block of DZL’s information concept is the Lung Information Service of Helmholtz Center Munich. Their strength is the provision of high quality information on their website. This digital medium seems to be no obstacle even to older people, because they also use the internet to find specific information. For DZL, LungenClinic and Lung Information Service it is obligation as well as stimulation to arrange future expert presentations and Q&A session for our patients.
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